5 tips for Lawyers to get better results with Keywords

How Law Firms can use Keywords


Every lawyer wants to get found by his or her ideal clients. Marketing yourself online is one way to do that, but make sure you use keywords in your attorney bio and on other web pages on your site so that potential clients can find you when they search for attorneys who practice in your area of law.

1. Use a free tool to find the keywords your potential clients are using to search for attorneys who practice in your area of law

To find the best keywords, use the Google Keyword Planner.

● Sign up for a free account at Google Adwords (https://adwords.google.com/)

● Click on "Plan" to enter your search terms and location, then click "Get ideas" to get data on how many people are searching for certain terms in your area of law and city

● Use this information to build a list of relevant keywords that you can use as titles or tags for blog posts, website pages, landing pages, etc.

2. Make sure you use those keywords in your attorney bio and on other web pages on your site

In addition to using keywords in your content and title tags, make sure you use them in other places as well.

● Your primary page title should be descriptive and include your target keyword(s).

● When writing copy for your site's main page, include your target keyword at least once or twice per paragraph; this will help Google know what your site is about. (Remember: You aren't trying to overdo it! Be careful not to over optimize and come off as "spammy")

● Use your target keywords in the bios of anyone who works on the site—or at least have one person responsible for gathering all of those details together into one place so they're easy to find by searching engines like Google!

● Include these same keywords in any social media profiles that represent you or the people associated with you (e.g., Facebook pages), since this is another way that potential clients can find information about YOUR practice through automated search queries such as "best criminal defense lawyer."

3. Be specific when listing the cities you serve and include your main city and its suburbs in separate mentions

You should also use the city name and state, along with the city name and zip code. You can also include the neighborhood you serve in your listing if you want to get more specific.

If your business is located in a large metropolitan area, try using street address information instead of just city names (e.g., “Seattle, WA 98108”). If that doesn’t work for you, include other neighborhoods (e.g., “Seattle, WA 98108 – Green Lake”).

4. Mention the services you provide, not just areas of law you practice

Mention the services you provide, not just areas of law you practice

When writing your website content, mention specific services AND areas of law that you practice. When people search for an attorney online and see that they offer services like estate planning or bankruptcy, they are more likely to trust them. This will increase the chances that they will contact them.

5. Don't try to outrank the big guys in their own backyard. Focus on smaller cities and tight niches where you will have an easier time getting found in local search.

If you’re trying to rank for keywords that are highly competitive, you should focus on smaller cities or tight niches where it will be easier to get found in local search. If your competitor has a huge brand name and a ton of money, they can outbid you on the top spots for some of the most popular keywords.

If you have time and resources available to invest in SEO, then by all means go ahead! But if not—and especially if these rankings matter for making sales—you may want to look elsewhere for good opportunities.


As you can see, it’s possible to outrank big firms in local search with the right strategy. But you need to be willing to put in the work and understand what it takes for your practice to be found online by potential clients. If this sounds like something that would benefit your law firm, I encourage you to check out my previous post on how I did it!

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