Optimize Your Google Business Profile

How to outrank the competition on Google


If you're a business that relies on online customer traffic, then you know the importance of a strong Google Business Profile. Not only is it an easy way to get your company listed on the first page of search results, but it can also help boost your SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay-per-click) rankings. In other words, by optimizing your Google Business Profile properly (and consistently), not only will you be able to drive more qualified leads through your website or store location, but also increase your overall conversion rates—leading to higher profits!

Business Description

A business description is your chance to tell potential customers what your business is all about. You'll want to focus on the most important things: why they should choose your business over others, how you can help them, and the value of doing business with you.

For example, let's say that you sell custom-made stuffed animals. Your company's name might be "Stuffed Toys Galore." Your products are high quality and reasonably priced, so you'd want to emphasize those features within your description.

Here are some examples of good descriptions for this kind of company:

● We provide top-quality stuffed animals at affordable prices—our clients get more bang for their buck!

● We've been making quality toys since 2005; we're not some fly-by-night operation!

● Our stuffed animals have been featured in several Hollywood movies and TV shows—check out our website for a full list!

It's important to avoid using any kind of jargon or industry language when writing a description. Focus on the benefits of your products and services instead of getting caught up in technical details that might be confusing for customers. If you're not sure what details to include in your description, ask someone outside of the industry for their input. They may be able to give you a fresh perspective that could help you craft a more engaging and effective business description

Accurate Listings

Google My Business is where you can list all of your business information. It's a powerful tool for optimizing SEO, and there are many ways to use it.

● Make sure the information is accurate and up to date.

● Make sure the information is consistent across all the listings.

● Make sure the information is consistent with your website.

List all services, products, and locations here as well so that you can control them from one place instead of having several different pages scattered throughout Google search results (which confuses customers).

Optimized Photos

When you're optimizing your Google Business Profile, it's important to keep in mind that high-quality photos will help you rank higher in search results.

That means using the recommended photo sizes (not larger than 2MB), formats (JPEG or PNG), resolutions (72 dpi), file names and descriptions when uploading your photos.

Google also recommends including captions with all of your pictures to provide context for viewers and increase engagement on these profiles. Lastly, you should include relevant tags in each image's title by using the same word(s) as those used on other listings in the same industry field - this helps Google determine what type of business is being shown on that particular profile page.

You can upload up to 6 photos or videos, which will be displayed directly on your Google My Business listing. This is a great opportunity for you to showcase what makes you unique, such as the interior of your business or why customers should visit it.

Geo Mapping

Google’s search results are getting more and more personal, based on the location of the searcher. Google wants to know where you are and when you’re nearby in order to deliver personalized content that is relevant only to users who may be interested in it.

This means it will start showing local businesses that fit a user's search criteria first when they're searching for something specific within your area of expertise at any given time.

You can show up as one of these local businesses by creating a geo-mapped business listing on Google My Business (GMB). When people search for something related to what you do and where you're located, your listing will appear at the top of their search results if optimized properly.

Google Maps has four different map types that you can use to create an optimized GMB: satellite, terrain, street view, and hybrid. Satellite maps show the actual terrain from a bird's-eye view. Terrain maps are similar but also include contour lines for elevation changes on landforms (like mountains). Street view maps will show all of the houses, shops, businesses and other buildings that make up a neighborhood or city block in detail.

Citation Audit (managing the website links and phone numbers on other sites)

A citation audit is the process of checking your website links and phone numbers on other sites.

This is a good idea because you don't want to be missing from places that Google knows about. Plus, if Google sees that you have incorrect information—even if it’s just one link or phone number—it can hurt your SEO performance.

Here's how to do a citation audit:

● Search for your business in Google with quotations around the name and see what comes up (e.g., “John Smith”).

● Go through each result and check for errors. If there are any incorrect addresses or phone numbers listed, contact those websites directly and ask them if they would be willing to correct them on their site (you can also check if this person has an account on Google My Business).

● If you are doing this manually, increase the total number of pages on Google search to 100 per page.

Call to Action

A call to action is a phrase or graphic that prompts your visitor to take an action.

● What should it say? You want something short, direct, and clear. It should be easy for your visitors to understand what they need to do in order to make contact with you. If you're trying to get someone's email address, use a form instead of just asking for one outright. A good example would be "Request Demo."

● Where should it be placed? The best place for a call-to-action button is on the top right corner of your page, above the fold (the part of the page that's visible without scrolling down). This position will catch visitors' eyes as soon as they arrive on your website or Google Business Profile listing—and if they can't see it there immediately, they'll have time while reading through all the other information on your page before getting distracted elsewhere by another link or ad that catches their attention first.

● You also want people who land on this section first because then those who are interested in finding out more about what services/products are available at this location will click these links so that businesses can track some valuable information about how many times each button has been clicked upon within any given period (which could help determine whether certain areas need improvement based upon how often certain sections were used).

How should formats vary from one another? Each format used throughout an entire campaign must maintain consistency with respect towards goal setting objectives such as branding techniques applied throughout each piece - including colors used along side copywriting style choices made when creating text content meant only for display purposes such as banners advertising upcoming events happening soon where wording needs tweaked slightly depending upon audience demographics etcetera...

Add an Appointment Link

Including an appointment link is crucial to your Google Business profile, as it's the only way you can receive new clients from the search engine. This is how you get more business.

Make sure your Google Business listing includes all of the following information:

● A phone number, which should be linked to your voicemail (this will show up on caller ID as "business name")

● An address with street address and city, state/province or postal code (make sure this is correct)

● A link to your website(s)

● A link to your location(s), if applicable (if you're a service provider like a dentist or attorney who works out of multiple offices, for example)

Optimizing your Google Business Profile can help you reach more customers

Reviews help customers get more information about your business. They also show that people trust you and want others to know about it too! Make sure you encourage customers who’ve visited before to leave reviews by sending them emails asking them how their experience was at your place of work. It’s important not only because they help other potential customers make informed decisions but also because they improve how well ranked in search results pages (SERPs).


We hope this guide has helped you understand the importance of optimizing your Google Business Profile and how to go about doing so. It’s a lot of work, but it’s also a strategic investment in your business that will pay off over time as you see increased traffic and conversions.

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